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Community Cafe

Starts: 20-Sep-2019

Ends: 2019-09-20

Event Time: 10:30am

Venue: Finley RSC

Town: Finley

Contact Number: 03 5883 9600 FRC or 03 5883 4898 Elizabeth

Finley Dementia Alliance, are hosting a community cafe to encourage groups and businesses to become dementia friends. The cafe's will become a monthly event for carers and those living with dementia. This will give them a chance to socialise with other carers and People living with dementia and to discuss how they handle issues that might arise. They can also bring to the Alliance's attention anything that has become a barrier for them living in the community. First one to be held at Finley RSC, then will be held at the Finley Regional Care Cafe, all interested community members are welcome to attend.

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