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Photo Credit: Gregg Brotherston of Kowhai Photography

Finley Pioneer Rail

To meet the challenges of regional Australia in the late 1800's Finley was the first sparsley settled town selected for a Pioneer Railway. This was an American style railway to link regional areas to boost trade and travel, but at low cost due to the harsh economic conditions of the time. When the railway arrived in Finley on 16th September 1898 the station had no fences and the tracks were laid without stone ballast which allowed the railway to be built at a third of the cost of the standard railway built from Narranderra to Jerilderie.

Incredibly well preserved by a dedicated group of volunteers, Finley Station is one of the few Pioneer stations still standing, and is now also host to the Finley Pioneer Railway Museum containing artefacts and real life railway stories.

Come on a journey back in time into the hearts and minds of Finley's railway community.